Ebike Battery Replacement: How to Easily Recharge Your Ride
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Although the average E-Bike battery should last a good few hundred journeys, there comes the point where its last cycle ends, and it must be replaced. The exact lifetime of an E-Bike battery is partially dependent on the model, and partially on you, the user. Regular use will deteriorate your battery faster than the average, meaning you’ll have to replace yours sooner. The only question is, how exactly do you do that?
How to spot a failing E-Bike battery
Before you learn how to replace an E-Bike battery, you need to know when it requires replacing first. The first and most obvious sign that your E-Bike battery is starting to fail is its performance. If you notice that your battery isn’t taking you as far as it used to, it’s probably time to consider a replacement. That said, if you find your battery is declining in its effective range shortly after purchase, that’s likely a sign of a fault. Some high-end E-Bikes come with a Battery Management System, which allows you to keep track of a few important data points. It’ll tell you your battery’s current charge, the number of charge cycles, and some other info, making it easier for you to determine when a replacement is due.
Another sign that your E-Bike battery needs a change is that it fails to charge. This indicates that there’s either a fault with the internal electrics, or that the battery is dead or dying. Similarly, if your E-Bike’s lights or other electrics are beginning to fail, that can also indicate that your battery needs a change. While this can result from a manufacturing flaw, it is a common occurrence in E-Bike batteries that have seen regular use over the years.
Damage or Alteration
Lastly, physical damage or alteration to an E-Bike battery is a surefire sign that it needs to be replaced. Naturally, taking a hard fall can cause significant damage to an E-Bike battery, but there are also common issues that can crop up over time. Gradual deterioration can cause internal faults, such as issues with the chemical reactions that get the battery working. If this happens, your E-Bike battery will start to swell, and it is vital that you do not ignore it. The swelling is caused by a buildup of gas created by incomplete chemical reactions or chemical contamination of components. If ignored, this gas can eventually cause the battery to rupture, potentially seriously harming you or another rider. As such, removing a faulty E-Bike battery is paramount.
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Where to find an E-Bike battery replacement
If you’ve discovered that your E-Bike battery needs to be replaced, you’ll probably encounter another obstacle – which battery should you get, and where can you find one? The answer is a little more complicated than you might think at first; not all E-Bike batteries are compatible with every E-Bike frame, for various reasons. If you want to avoid encountering problems with your new battery, you’ll need to make sure it’s suitable for your E-Bike. Here’s a few tips on how you can do just that.
First off, the best way to rule out a lot of incompatible E-Bike batteries is to match the brand of your bike with your battery. Almost every E-Bike manufacturer has a helpline that you can call for a bit of assistance. They’ll be able to tell you which of their batteries will fit your E-Bike, and can help you through the replacement process, too. If you decide to mix and match with another brand of battery, you’ll be on your own.
Energy Capacity
The next feature you should pay attention to is the battery’s energy capacity. Each E-Bike is designed to handle a certain amount of energy, and going too far under or over this target can lead to problems. While both aren’t ideal, going over your E-Bike’s energy cap can be disastrous. Too much energy can completely fry its electrical system, causing significant damage to your battery and frame, sometimes beyond the point of repair. This is one of the reasons why getting your E-Bike and battery from the same manufacturer is important if you aren’t sure what you’re doing, as they can help you avoid such a scenario.
Our last tip is a bit obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many cyclists overlook it – make sure your new battery fits your E-Bike’s battery mount. If it doesn’t, you should take it as a surefire sign that the new battery isn’t a compatible replacement. Attempting to force the battery into the mount, as some cyclists have done, is likely to just cause problems. You risk damaging the battery, potentially causing you and your E-Bike harm down the line.
Additionally, attempting to modify your E-Bike’s frame is also a risk, even if you’ve got a bit of know-how. It isn’t uncommon for cyclists to make a seemingly functional modification, only to find out it isn’t quite so functional at an inopportune time. Rather than take the risk, it’s best to find a compatible E-Bike battery replacement, and settle for nothing less.
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Replacing your E-Bike battery
Once you’ve got yourself a suitable replacement battery for your E-Bike, all that’s left is to switch it out with the old one. Exactly how will depend on your particular E-Bike, so some cyclists might find it easier to do than others. When in doubt, the best move is to take it to a professional and get the job done right. You could always ask the pro to talk you through it, so you’ll be better able to do it yourself next time.
Most E-Bike battery replacements are fairly quick and easy to do once you know how, so they probably won’t mind giving you an extra couple of minutes for instruction. Things are a bit different for E-Bikes with a frame-integrated battery, however. These can be difficult to replace on your own, as they are directly built into the bike itself, and closely connected to the inner workings of the E-Bike. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s really best to leave it to someone who does.
Although the process will differ from E-Bike to E-Bike, most of them have a similar throughline. You’ll first need to remove the battery from your E-Bike’s battery mount, either with a key or by unfastening a few bolts. Next, you’ll need to disconnect the battery itself. This can be done by cutting the wires, or simply pulling them out of place, depending on your particular hardware. Then, simply reverse the process, slotting your new battery into the battery mount and connecting all the wires to their proper places. Lock your battery mount or fasten the bolts back into place, and you’re good to go. That said, it’s best to give your E-Bike a test before taking it out for a ride, just to make sure everything works as it should.
And there you have it. Hopefully, this guide has clued you in on the basics of spotting an E-Bike battery in need of replacement, and how you can do just that. As for the old one, it’s best to send it back to the manufacturer. They should then send it off to be recycled, rather than collecting dust in your garage. With all that said and done, you can get back to cycling with a reliable battery.